In the fast-paced hospitality sector, cost effectiveness and profit margins are under more pressure than they’ve been in years. If you run a restaurant that has felt the squeeze in recent times, it’s advisable to opt for an online booking system with deposits. Here are just some of the reasons why more establishments are making the switch to secure revenue in advance of reservations.   

1) Reduce no-shows

Customers making bookings then not turning up hurts your business, in terms of the disruption to your potential plans and staffing. But by far the biggest problem is the loss of projected income, hurting your already suffering margins. A deposit table booking system addresses all of these issues – in the worst scenario securing at least some revenue, to mitigate against potential no-shows. And of course, the preferential outcome for everyone – being that your guests turn up and enjoy a great dining experience – is much more likely.

2) Better preparation

As mentioned, being more secure in the knowledge that your reservations will be fulfilled enables you to allocate your resources better. Knowing which staff you’ll need and when, plus kitchen and bar stock projections can all contribute to a smoother running restaurant. And the data managed by your deposit table booking system will enable you to make any floorplan or cover arrangements in advance too. All of these key benefits mean that you and your team can divert more energy to the most important challenge – giving your guests the best possible service.

3) Enhanced customer experiences

In fact, the peace-of-mind enabled by relying on a table booking deposit system doesn’t only apply to your restaurant. Once guests have left a deposit, they can arrive with confidence that they’re expected, have been allowed for and should expect attentive service. And deposits are also a way to communicate the value you place on your customers and how seriously you take the responsibility of catering for them.

4) Manage expectations

Particularly during busy seasonal periods, deposits can give a sense of heightened security. As demands fluctuate, you can tailor your deposit requirements or amounts, in order to ensure you can provide a premium service to genuine bookers.

Time for an online booking system with deposits?

You, your team and most importantly, your customers, can all reap the benefits of a table booking deposit system. It might prove useful to make deposits applicable at certain times, or for parties over a specific size – it’s important to get the fit right for you.

To arrange a free demonstration, or if you have any other questions about table management systems, please get in touch today.

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For more information on Sugarvine Tables or to try the live system call 01253 698328 or complete the form below:

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