Table Booking System For Bistros

Booking System For Bistros

What makes Sugarvine tables the UK’s best?

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Get more covers

24/7 bookings through your website, social and Sugarvine dining guide.

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Low Cost Guarantee

The best value online restaurant booking system on the market

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Reduce Admin Time

Automated booking system means less calls, messages and emails.

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Easy To Use

Simple booking interface for diners and back office for operators.

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Loved By Restaurants

We’re the table booking system you and your customers will love.

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The table booking system that you and your customers will love

Low cost and easy to use, our table booking system is the best value system on the market for bistros.

How our table booking system works for bistros

Originating in France bistros are an intimate and often smaller dining venue favoured for their more casual atmosphere. With the word ‘Bistro’ translating from French as ‘fast’, it is not uncommon for people to expect a speedy, laid back service in bistro. This quick service combined with their often small venue size, means that bistros rely on streamlined processes. This is where our table booking system for bistros comes in.

Easily embedded onto your social media profiles and website, our table booking system is easy to use for you and your customers. At the point of booking, all details are sent across to you, including allergies and special requests, as well as being added to your bespoke table management system so you can easily manage reservations. The back-end of our table management is simple yet effective, aiding with efficient table turnovers, a must for smaller venues.

As bistros are known for their smaller, more intimate venues it can mean fewer covers. While this contributes to their well-loved atmosphere it does mean that no shows hit bistros even harder. With our bistro booking system, you have the option to hold card details, take a deposit or take full payment at the point of booking thanks to our built-in deposits system. This helps to reduce the chance of no shows as well as protecting your revenue should the worst happen.

In addition to making table booking and table management easier for your bistro, our table reservation system also helps to increase your covers. At the point of booking, diners can sign up to your newsletter. From here, GDPR compliant customer data is sent across to you to build your email marketing database.

Meanwhile, in addition to your booking widget, your bistro will receive a FREE feature on our dining guide,, which we will also share across our social platforms. Both of these inclusive features help you to grow your reach, audience and covers.

Unlike other table booking companies, our reservation system has no per cover charges. Instead, we offer a transparent, one-off fee with no hidden charges that helps your bistro to keep costs down and covers up.

How much could you save right now by switching to Sugarvine Tables?

Enter your table booking system’s monthly cost, including fees, and find out how much you’d save by switching to Sugarvine Tables!

Switching is easy! You could be taking bookings on Sugarvive Tables within 48 hours!

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Total Monthly Cost

How our table reservation system works for customers

Not only do customers expect fast service in your bistro, they also expect fast, online reservations available at all restaurants with automated confirmations and reminders. However, for smaller restaurants like bistros this can often be a challenge. This is where our table booking system comes in.

With Sugarvine Tables, diners can reserve a table at your bistro online 24/7. From your website, social media profiles or your profile, diners know they can book a table at your venue at their own convenience.

For small restaurants such as bistros, we know how important it is to build and nourish customer relationships. Therefore, when your customers book through Sugarvine Tables, they will receive a personalised email booking confirmation and email or SMS reminders as their booking approaches. Not only does this maintain the intimate approach that bistros are known and loved for but it also helps to reduce no shows.

When you use Sugarvine Tables, you can rest assured you are working with a UK based team that are committed to delivering the best service for you, your venue and your customers. Click here to take a look at our Trustpilot reviews for our online booking system. Or, to take a look at how Bistro Magrada are using our table booking system, head to


This software has been a great asset, it has cut down our admin and phone calls by around 70-80% since implementing almost 12 months ago.

Darren Johnson

Owner, Lewis’ Of Grasmere

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