While the general benefits of using a simple reservation system have been highlighted recently, the benefits of automated booking confirmations deserves significant praise.
By applying automation for things like booking confirmations and reminders, you can enhance your customers’ experience.
An effective online table management system should include these capabilities, in order to generate benefits like the following.
Reduce no-shows
Put simply, if you receive a reminder about something, you’re less likely to forget about it.
An automated notification of a booking saves someone having to remember where they wrote it down, or them arranging another engagement that clashes.
And if the notification allows you to add the booking to a phone calendar, you’ll definitely lessen the likelihood of an empty table on the day, saving you the hassle of lost covers and revenue.
Personal touch
A timely reminder of a booking, provided it’s not one of a series of too many, can be very welcome.
It may jog a customer’s memory to remind other people they’re meeting with, or prompt them to make transport or parking arrangements.
That extra bit of convenience and personalisation can go a long way towards positioning your business as one willing to go a bit further for valued customers.

Build customer relationships
We all like to feel valued and recognised by businesses we buy from, especially as repeat customers.
When a customer is used to that expected experience of booking, receiving a notification, then a reminder nearer the time, it reinforces that sense.
If you’re receiving the quality of service you’ve come to expect before arriving at the venue, you’re more confident the in-person experience will be as good too.
With a large percentage of restaurant reservations being made online these days, there’s a need to compensate for the lack of verbal communication.
Without hearing ‘we’ll look forward to seeing you on the night’ or similar, a customer needs clarification that their booking has been successful.
An automated confirmation (and follow-up reminder nearer the time) achieves this, without the fuss of having to phone up and check in person. In turn, this saves you the time and hassle of having to contact each customer individually or answer a multitude of calls from prospective diners.

Ready to use automation to your advantage?
Automated bookings and reminders can, if used effectively, provide the perfect complement to your ‘in-person’ service offering.
And by giving your customers a flavour of your brand in this way before they even arrive, you can reduce missed bookings and encourage repeat business.
Feel free to explore these features with a free demonstration of our online table management system, or get in touch if you have any questions.
For more information on SVTables or to try the live system call 01253 698328 or complete the form below: