The Queen’s 70th Jubilee has gifted us all with an extra bank holiday and the hope is that it will gift the hospitality industry with a much-needed busy weekend of service. In fact, the British Beer and Pub Association are expecting a £105 million boost for the trade alongside an extra 7.5 million meals and 80 million more pints of beer thanks to a combination of good weather (fingers crossed), longer pub opening hours and an extra bank holiday.
After the past two years of restrictions and staff shortages it’s safe to say the industry is desperate for this predicted surge surge in pints, plates and profits.
Make sure you’re capitalising on this prospective busy weekend with our three tips on how to get your restaurant ready for the Queen’s Jubilee Weekend.

Use a table booking and management system
A four-day bank holiday weekend means lots of people off work which in turn means lots of prospective diners and pub-goers. And, on a summertime bank holiday in the UK, you would have to be a brave soul to chance turning up at your favourite restaurant or bar and hoping they have a table. With this in mind, it is key that your restaurant offers online table booking so you can be in front of your customers when they are looking and booking over the Jubilee weekend (and beyond).
This won’t just benefit your customers though. It means you can increase your covers throughout the bank holiday as well as giving you an idea how many bookings you have over the Queen’s Jubilee allowing you to organise staff over the weekend. Meanwhile, an integrated table management system allows you to manage your covers and plan ahead for what is hopefully a busy weekend for your venue.
Think you’ve left it too late to sign up for a table booking system before the Queen’s Jubilee? Think again. Once we have your venue details, we can get you live with our table reservation system in just 48 hours. Contact us today to start taking bookings.
Take deposits at the point of booking
What’s worse than a no show? A no show on what is predicted to be one of the busiest weekends of the year.
Don’t let a no show ruin your jubilee jubilation – take deposits or hold card details at the point of booking to deter no shows and protect some of your revenue in the event of diners not turning up. If you’re hosting a special event, consider taking full payment up front if a no show would set you back more than normal.
Our table booking system offers a secure Stripe integration so you can take deposits, hold card details or take full payment up front, all the while helping to protect your revenue.

Spread the word
Pubs, restaurants and cafes alike are already joining in the Jubilee celebrations with themed afternoon teas, specialty beers and jubilee-themed BBQs.
Make sure your events get the publicity they deserve by sharing them on your social media channels and emailing them out to your database.
If you use our table booking system diner’s GDPR compliant details will be automatically sent across to you – provided they’ve opted in – allowing you to boost your email database.
Meanwhile, you will also receive free marketing via our dining profile boosting your reach and publicising your events to a whole new audience. You can find out more here.
Sugarvine Tables provides all you need to get your restaurant ready for the Queen’s Jubilee Weekend and ensure you can reap the benefits of the much-anticipated bonus bank holiday. If you want to reap the benefits over the Queen’s Jubilee or beyond, call us on 01253 698328 or fill in the form below.
For more information on SVTables or to try the live system call 01253 698328 or complete the form below: